Innovative Olive Mill Waste Management Systems Related Projects

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The programme is financed by the EU Regional Development Directorate-General
(ERDF Innovative Actions 2000 - 2006, Programme 2001 GR 16 0 PP 209) and its mission is to develop innovative actions on the North Aegean islands. The specific goal of Action 7.6 "Innovative Olive Mill Waste Management Systems" is to set up pilot waste management systems on a number of olive mills in the North Aegean Region, ultimately aimed at defining integrated solutions to the olive mill waste management problem. These solutions shall take into account the specificities of each individual olive mill and tap on existing knowledge available of the technologies that have already been tested on the global scale, while aiming to test innovative techniques and strategies.


  • Street: Waste Management Laboratory, Department of Environmental Studies, University of the Aegean University Hill, "Xenia" Building, Mytilene, P.C. 81 100 GR
  • City: Mytilene
  • Country: Greece


  • Telephone: +30 22510 36255, 36213, 36274
  • Fax: +30 22510 36274
  • E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
